About Us
ISO 9001

More Than 40 Years of Experience
Henshaw brings more than 40 years of experience to the design and build of turnkey systems that can help streamline the production process, improve efficiency, simplify operator training, reduce costs, safeguard workers, and reduce product liability. Our long-standing reputation has enabled us to establish vendor codes at top automotive OEMs and tier suppliers around the world.
Henshaw is the expert in solutions for advanced manufacturing and material handling. We provide global, technology-driven manufacturers a single source for:
• Electrical Control Panel Build
Faster Return on Investment
Unlike many suppliers, Henshaw is a privately held company, owned and operated in the United States. Our goal is to achieve maximum flexibility and exceptional response time to help you experience a faster return on your project investment. You can be confident in the fact that we are as precise and accurate as we are agile. We get the job done right the first time.

Areas of Expertise
Custom Automation
Material Handling
Industrial Conveyors
Ergonomic Lift Assist Systems
Hardware Design
HMI Programming
Machine Controls
Vision Systems
Controls Design
PLC Programming
Panel Build
Seamless Execution
At Henshaw, our team members are trained across all areas of expertise, ensuring consistency in excellence of process and product regardless of project size. Cross area design and engineering expertise, combined with Henshaw's highly effective project management process, facilitates seamless project execution from design through installation and de-bug.

See a demo of one of Henshaw's many custom products in action
We are sure you will find that working with the Henshaw team is a resourceful and productive partnership.
Call us today at 586-752-0700 to
schedule a meeting to evaluate your operation's manufacturing needs, or submit our quote and information request form.
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